Before I start talking about the project I would like to share with you something. We've seen or heard numerous cases of elderly people being left alone. While doing my research I found an article saying that an elderly man, age 96, called the police for an emegergency. His reason was that he was feeling lonely. The police spent some time with him and kept him some company.
With this project I intend to focus on our grandparents. Let's not forget everything they do and did for us. Let's not forget the love they show us.
Unfortunately, I lost my grandmother in 2008 and I regret each day that I do not have nothing much of her. I do not have many pictures to remember and embrace. I only have a couple of images from when I was young, back in 2002, and my memory to remember. I wanted this to be different with my grandfather.
Therefore I present to you my project of my grandfather, Alfred. I present to you myself trying to make up for what I lost. I present to you 'Fredu'.
“Imnalla kienet ommok għalija.” (Thank God it was your mother for me)
“Tiftakruh kemm konna narawh meta kontu żgħar?” (Do you remember how much we used to watch this when you were young?)
“Ajma x’fiha dil-kelba kemm ġġegħelni nidħaq” (Oh this dog makes me laugh)
Id li dejjem lesta biex taħdem, tbati u tħobb (A hand, which is always ready to work, suffer and love)
“Qed inħossni persuna famuża b’dawn ir-ritratti kollha” (I'm feeling like a famous person with all these photos)
“Kelli mara li ma kienx hawn bħalha.” (I had a wife like no other)
“Ħaqqna pastizz la qeghdin hawn. Jagħmel li jrid iz-zokkor issa” (We deserve a pie since we're here. Don't worry about the sugar levels now)
“Kemm kont niġi mal-mara u t-tfal meta kienu żgħar” (I used to come often here with my wife and kids when they were young)